Liste aller Syntaxfehlermeldungen

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Liste aller Syntaxfehlermeldungen

 1:  unexpected end of input

 2:  = expected

 3:  numeric value expected

 4:  ; expected

 5:  commandfile missing

 6:  unrecognized keyword

 7:  ; not expected

 8:  variable declared twice

 9:  contradictory valuelabel-declaration

10:  variable not found (undeclared variable?)

11:  BY expected

12:  no data-inputfile specified

13:  YES or NO expected

14:  contradictory RECODE declaration

15:  contradictory RANGES declaration

16:  no closing bracket allowed here

17:  no opening bracket allowed here

18:  no logical operation allowed at this point

19:  unspecified error while interpreting IF-clause

20:  undeclared variable or wrong-spelled number

21:  NE, EQ, GT, GE, LT or LE expected

22:  too many closing brackets

23:  unbalanced brackets

24:  +, -, * or / expected

25:  CARD-value must not be greater than CARDS-value

26:  maximum CARDS-value exceeded

27:  nested INCLUDE not allowed

28:  INCLUDE-file not found

29:  ** specialtext **

30:  THEN expected

31:  ELSE or ; expected

32:  no explanation available

33:  Value-Labels must be defined for CROSSVAR

34:  VARGROUP/VARFAMILY not allowed in this context.

35:  Error in TO specification

36:  CellElement expected, for example ROWPERCENT or ABSOLUTE

37:  CASES or NOMINATIONS expected

38:  no explanation available

39:  no empty List allowed

40:  Error in TABLE-statement

41:  ; or / expected in RECODE

42:  Nested Comments not allowed

43:  no explanation available

44:  Textboxes must be defined for existing tables

45:  WeightVar is Undefined

46:  Numeric-ASCII-Value expected

47:  ASCII-Value Range Error

48:  Only ONE external Variable may be referenced

49:  Incompatible Elements combined in one Cell

50:  no explanation available

51:  no explanation available

52:  no explanation available

53:  no explanation available

54:  no explanation available

55:  no explanation available

56:  no explanation available

57:  no explanation available

58:  no explanation available

59:  no explanation available

60:  no explanation available

61:  No LineFeed within a token allowed

62:  Token too long

63:  reference to last variable: no variable defined

64:  no explanation available

65:  no explanation available

66:  no explanation available

67:  Sort on Criterion-Var is impossible

68:  Invalid Sort-Type

69:  Invalid Function-Name or undeclared Variable

70:  ELSE-part in RECODE must be finished with ;

71:  invalid BOXTYPE


73:  RECODE-statement too complex

74:  Table-option: table must be defined before

75:  too many Missing values

76:  invalid vartextposition

77:  no explanation available

78:  no explanation available

79:  no explanation available

80:  no explanation available

81:  too many Vars/Cols in X-Dimension

82:  too many Vars/Rows in Y-Dimension

83:  Variable must be of type VARFAMILY

84:  illegal Filename for TABSETUP

85:  illegal vartype

86:  illegal subcommand for prognose

87:  insufficient prognose definition

88:  illegal valuelabelstructure

89:  must add to 100% +- 0.5%

90:  old election is mandatory

91:  Labelcount does not match electionvalues

92:  char8 must be a single char8

93:  profile: by-var and levels must not be mixed

94:  invalid profile option: last table is no profile

95:  ill formed compute

96:  wrong (maybe old) format of setup-file

97:  Number of vars must be identical for all lines

98:  at least one anchorvaluelabel undefined

99:  no of headers does not match no of columns

100:  no headers allowed for this table, use valuelabels instead

101:  cannot generate internal variable

102:  must be a valid ascii char8 (0..127), e.g. "." or ","

103:  Variable must be of type VARGROUP

104:  SECONDMEAN is not allowed as TABLETYPE, can only be CELLELEMENT

105:  too many CELLELEMENTS

106:  Pretext assumes that lables already exist

107:  invalid tableformat

108:  invalid font use

109:  "(" expected TabDef.after function name

110:  " expected

111:  all vars must have valuelabels

112:  repeated <>WEIGHT-pragma is illegal

113:  #WEIGHTEND-pragma witout corresponding <>WEIGHT-pragma

114:  too many files in wildcard (>500)

115:  no such infile

116:  variable-redefinition only for ascii-input

117:  filename must be defined for colbin-input

118:  filename must be defined for colbin-output

119:  only one colbin-destination per variable allowed

120:  only one main data-source allowed

121:  ASCII-input or COLBIN-input must be defined (filename)

122:  non-matching names

123:  no valid range

124:  no numberpart in varname

125:  no leading part in varname

126:  no varlist for mean defined

127:  illegal colbin character

128:  illegal or too big column field

129:  works with ASCII or COLBIN input only

130:  only one ascii-destination per variable allowed


132:  error initializing CASECHECK/CARDCHECK

133:  illegal font redefinition

134:  attempt to use undefined font

135:  printer (printfile) must be defined prior to changes

136:  statement no longer supported

137:  invalid unit

138:  must be simple ReadKeys.ESC-driven printer

139:  cannot open printer

140:  cannot print without defined standardfont

141:  setting font returned INVALID FONT

142:  invalid specification for DRAWBOX, ALIGN, USEFONT

143:  no explanation available

144:  illegal distance parameter

145:  all Vars must have same valuelabels

146:  invalid inherit statement

147:  printer must be defined before getsetup

148:  error in compute-statement

149:  cannot generate (internal) variable with that name

150:  error with eps-file

151:  wrong keyword in eps-statement

152:  cannot print eps-file at given place

153:  dead variable in table (no labels, not printall)

154:  invalid frameposition

155:  error reading printer setup file

156:  cannot generate internal ascii printer font

157:  printer must be generated once prior to first table-statement

158:  table-setup does not fit to current printer

159:  invalid history-keyword

160:  history-option works with TABLE-keyword only

161:  no of columns for historic tablepart exceeded

162:  printer-definition needed for writing systemfile

163:  printer-setup needed for writing systemfile

164:  no columns defined

165:  INFILE or COLBININFILE must be defined for *-columns

166:  last var has no IO-definition

167:  max nesting level for precompiler exceeded

168:  non-matching <>END

169:  non-matching <>ELSE

170:  illegally empty result list

171:  cannot open DBASE file (wrong name or structure)

172:  error in DELETEVARS/KEEPVARS clause of SYSTEMOUT

173:  no COPY allowed in mean/sum statements

174:  no of elements in both varlists must match

175:  filter not made yet (misspelled or makefilter missing)

176:  error in IO-Description

177:  extension must be * with GESS environment for input

178:  extension must not be * without GESS environment for input

179:  Sort-Pane value exceeds range

180:  wrong variable type

181:  no "copy" with SIMPLEVAR

182:  name error with ENDFILTER

183:  no filter to end here

184:  no valid dictionary loaded

185:  invalid element in sequence-statement

186:  invalid ALPHA-alignment

187:  invalid margin-argument

188:  LINEFEEDFACTOR Postcript only

189:  type of inputdata not yet defined

190:  only one var with LOAD

191:  invalid content description

192:  cannot create contentfile

193:  not a valid varname

194:  not a valid OVERCODE name

195:  invalid OVERCODE option

196:  invalid AUTONOANSWER option

197:  invalid OVERCODE number


199:  cannot open/create OPENQFILE

200:  Unread buffer overflow -- EXPAND too long??

201:  Error Creating Printfile

202:  Error opening/creating COLLECT file

203:  values of printer object can only be changed with printer defined

204:  not a valid atomic variable for control field results

205:  not a valid field of addressbase

206:  invalid control field value

207:  invalid keyword in addressbase context

208:  could not open addressbase

209:  could not create copyvar with that name

210:  error in NORMALIZE

211:  no TABLE to ADD to

212:  last count stmt is not a TABLE to ADD to

213:  incompatible structure of ADD TABLE

214:  code exceeds max numerical range (65536 = high integer)

215:  missing CONTROL substatement

216:  no explanation available

217:  no explanation available

218:  no explanation available

219:  no explanation available

220:  no explanation available

221:  no explanation available

222:  no explanation available

223:  no explanation available

224:  no explanation available

225:  no explanation available

226:  no explanation available

227:  no explanation available

228:  no explanation available

229:  no explanation available

230:  no explanation available

231:  no explanation available

232:  no explanation available

233:  no explanation available

234:  no explanation available

235:  no explanation available

236:  no explanation available

237:  no explanation available

238:  no explanation available

239:  no explanation available

240:  no explanation available

241:  no explanation available

242:  no explanation available

243:  no explanation available

244:  no explanation available

245:  no explanation available

246:  no explanation available

247:  no explanation available

248:  no explanation available

249:  no explanation available

250:  no explanation available

251:  no explanation available

252:  no explanation available

253:  no explanation available

254:  no explanation available

255:  no explanation available

256:  no explanation available

257:  no explanation available

258:  no explanation available

259:  no explanation available

260:  no explanation available

261:  no explanation available

262:  no explanation available

263:  no explanation available

264:  no explanation available

265:  no explanation available

266:  no explanation available

267:  no explanation available

268:  no explanation available

269:  no explanation available

270:  no explanation available

271:  no explanation available

272:  no explanation available

273:  no explanation available

274:  no explanation available

275:  no explanation available

276:  no explanation available

277:  no explanation available

278:  no explanation available

279:  no explanation available

280:  no explanation available

281:  no explanation available

282:  no explanation available

283:  no explanation available

284:  no explanation available

285:  no explanation available

286:  no explanation available

287:  no explanation available

288:  no explanation available

289:  no explanation available

290:  no explanation available

291:  no explanation available

292:  no explanation available

293:  no explanation available

294:  no explanation available

295:  no explanation available

296:  no explanation available

297:  no explanation available

298:  no explanation available

299:  no explanation available

300:  no explanation available

301:  Illegal statement within VAR-redefinition

302:  no explanation available

303:  Variable-Redef not allowed: set RedefineVars first

304:  must be ASCIIOUT or =

305:  syntax error concerning IN test

306:  variable mentioned twice in RANDOM list

307:  invalid keyword or undefined variable in print list

308:  only GOTO allowed

309:  illegal continuation with PROFILELINES

310:  Error initializing PROJECTFILE

311:  Overcodenames must be unique

312:  variable has no labels and hence no OVERCODEs

313:  copysource has no labels

314:  no copysource defined

315:  number of variables do not match


317:  invalid content specification with COLOR

318:  range low must be less than range high

319:  ranges overlap

320:  endfilter missing

321:  max length of define name exceeded

322:  automatic make of variable assumes one variable in argument

323:  restricted to last variable: no explict mention

324:  restrict, searchrestriction and georestriction require master variable

325:  invalid keyword

326:  variable to be restricted must have labels

327:  keyword X or Y required

328:  duplicate name in filterstack

329:  invalid local qualifier

330:  error in SLICE .. TOP

331:  invalid qualifier in ASCIIOUTFILE DELIMITED

332:  invalid qualifier in ASCIIOUTFILE statement

333:  invalid qualifier in ASCIIOUTFILE statement

334:  invalid qualifier in ASCIIOUTFILE statement

335:  = or ADD expected

336:  no ADDRBASE defined

337:  cannot store variable (wrong type?)

338:  invalid lock method

339:  existing lock method cannot be changed

340:  only atomic vars can be initialized

341:  init var list exhausted

342:  minimum column/widthvalue = 1

343:  invalid GINT environment value (must evaluate to a number)

344:  stiffness/elasticity must be in the range 0.0 .. 1.0)

345:  illegal keyword for colbin spec

346:  illegal table syntax

347:  illegal macro syntax

348:  varlist of indexvar must not be empty

349:  addressing var must be simple var

350:  multiple use of io-specification

351:  this io-specification test not implemented

352:  could not open/create re-use database

353:  filterno must be in the range 1 .. 10

354:  value in the range 1 .. 255 expected

355:  value must not be zero

356:  this variable is already used

357:  illegal syntax filterstatement

358:  filterreference: cannot find variable

359:  variables must be of same type for AS, USELABELS

360:  cannot create printfile

361:  cannot create variable

362:  cannot make this variable a multi/dicho var

363:  no labels found for building 0/1 columns by

364:  illegal command tail

365:  colbin line exceeds internal FIO.system limits

366:  paranthesis do not match in macro parameter

367:  max length of macro buffer exceeded

368:  variable without IO-Def needs length descriptor

369:  assocfile may be opened once

370:  invalid keyvar for assocfile

371:  assocfile not open

372:  cannot create assocvar with that name

373:  non matching name at end of assocfile

374:  invalid vartype for keyvar (must be singleq/variable)

375:  ASSOCEND statement missing

376:  cannot store pio

377:  wrong variable type for screen

378:   end; in randomgroup allowed only when starting with end;

379:  invalid varname in random-list (no TO allowed)

380:  one variable expected for each numberchar

381:  only one CASENUMBER/CARDNUMBER statement per run allowed

382:  minimum field length is 4 for weightout

383:  label reuse conflict during data entry/CATI/CAPI

384:  invalid list copy with multiple source vars

385:  too many parameters

386:  cannot create resultvar

387:  quotevar not found

388:  illegal GESS subcommand

389:  only BITGROUP 10 or 12 supported

390:  illegal GESS subcommand option

391:  variable name must be valid and contain card/column

392:  only atomic var allowed without colbin specs

393:  no valid file for edit selected

394:  invalid range in [] construct

395:  invalid IS

396:  Field length exceeds small integer siez (may be 255)

397:  error assigning GESS extension

398:  invalid number for data column in profile sort

399:  internal error making stringTABLE

400:  limit exceeded for automagtic columns of SPSS var

401:  invalid alignment keyword

402:  address server can only be started if defined in address base

403:  explicit colbin card number exceeds current limit

404:  COMPACT: addressbase must be defined

405:  error while compacting address base

406:  varlist may not be empty in QBLOCK

407:  Casenumber/Cardnumber : max length (9) exceeded

408:  names of tables must be unique

409:  encoding file (IBM850 and source) missing

410:  invalid keyword with GESS

411:  cannot end Codeblock here

412:  error with Codeblock

413:  cannot add Codeblock var

414:  tablename missing for export of table

415:  unable to create crossvar

416:  Varname missing in CSV-inputfile

417:  Varname twice in CSV-inputfile

418:  maximum depth of nested includes exhausted

419:  must be alpha var for compute alpha

420:  invalid getquota subtype

421:  Error opening SPSS dll or SAV-file

422:  HOTKEY not supported in GUI cati/capi

423:  invalid encoding keyword

424:  invalid syntax of DOCODEBLOCK

425:  ZONE INPUT only in TableTask

426:  invalid var in ZONE INPUT (must be existing atom)

427:  invalid ZONE INPUT evaluation (mean, sum...)

428:  can not add ZONE INPUT IO-descriptor (only ONE)

429:  name conflict in namespace for named selects

430:  cannot find named select

431:  only PREQUOTA may have DOCODEBLOCK clause

432:  invalid QUOTA/PREQUOTA syntax

433:  illegal key var for openqfile

434:  cannot process this infile/datafile statement in this context

435:  no matching Table-statement found for FLT

436:  Syntax error in Assert-statement

437:  error generating internal variable

438:  invalid cellelement in local table options

439:  invalid local table option

440:  invalid local name in XTAB statement (existing varname or reserved name)

441:  undefined local name in XTAB statement

442:  invalid number of arguments for cellelement in XTAB statement

443:  invalid keyword in ROWS part of XTAB statement

444:  keyword HEADER XTAB statement expected

445:  undefined variable associated to local var in XTAB statement

446:  all named local vars must be resolved in XTAB statement

447:  undefined variable for USEWEIGHT

448:  undefined variable following VARIABLE keyword in XTAB statement

449:  error in CHANGEKEYWORD

450:  invalid delimiter in DELIMITEDIN-statement

451:  cannot open reader in DELIMITEDIN-statement

452:  invalid input in DELIMITEDIN file

453:  invalid Recodetask

454:  invalid Adobe name (not found in AFM-Files)

455:  cannot interpret ascii code in ADOBENAME-statement

456:  invalid printer type for ADOBENAME-statement

457:  no AFM files (GAFM not set?)

458:  allowed levels for valuelabels: 0 .. 255 only

459:  invalid argument for PCNTLVALS

460:  QUOTA statement allowed only after defining ADDRESSBASE

461:  Cannot dynamically link to SPSSIO.DLL

462:  Error opening SAV-file

463:  Error reading SPSS SAV-file variable directory

464:  Illegal RGB/HSB-value (allowed range 0.0 .. 1.0)

465:  no TO-convention allowed while compiling BLOCKs

466:  max size macro buffer exceeded

467:  illegal syntax of internal table filter

468:  error in #DOMACRO : construct

469:  missing open bracket in #<macro>

470:  filter error in compute class

471:  not an allowed specification for quotainfo

472:  wrong vartype for quotainfo results, must be family

473:  illegal specification for ONQUESTIONNAIRE

474:  illegal QUOTA/PREQUOTA Syntax

475:  illegal specification in EPS statement

476:  illegal specification in AUTOCONTENTKEY statement

477:  illegal CELLELEMENT

478:  divider must be legal numeric constant not equal zero

479:  not a legal char8 identifier

480:  excelchartinvert must be stated after table statement

481:  RANDOM AS: varlist sizes do not match

482:  RANDOM AS: source var is not member of random group

483:  LABELRECODE and COPYFILE are mutually exclusive

484:  RECODE in labels only allowed if LABELRECODE is YES

485:  illegal argument for SIGNLEVEL

486:  illegal argument for SHOWSIGNIF

487:  illegal argument for SHOWSIGNIF MEAN

488:  illegal argument for SHOWSIGNIF PERCENT

489:  no valid variable in patternerror test

490:  variable must be alpha in patternerror test

491:  invalid goto variable in patternerror test

492:  invalid key or no key variable defined in AGGR

493:  invalid votes or no Votes variable defined in AGGR

494:  no Election Id defined in AGGR

495:  AGGR : number of labels of votes var is zero

496:  argument of RECODE must be number or atomic variable

497:  invalid weight var in quota statement

498:  invalid type of QUALITAB

499:  empty varlist for QUALITAB

500:  missing numeric info for QUALITAB

501:  invalid type of MYSTERY table

502:  invalid variable in MYSTERY table

503:  invalid argument for CELLELEMENT in Total

504:  invalid cardnumber colbin inputl

505:  invalid argument in CASELIST

506:  BENCHMARK values must follow a TABLE

507:  invalid syntax in BENCHMARK values

508:  invalid significance level for external BENCHMARK

509:  invalid varname or variable ytpe in FREEZESWITCH

510:  invalid vartype of Votes variable defined in AGGR

511:  invalid vartype of key variable (must be singleq)

512:  invalid keyword for AGGR subcommand

513:  invalid number for MIN in AGGR

514:  AGGR: Structurefile not found

515:  AGGR: invalid decimal number char8

516:  AGGR: no output file (HOTIMPORT) defined

517:  AGGR: std output file not supported

518:  known keyword, but illegal statement

519:  missing closing bracket of varlist

520:  Varlist in this context only allowed with IN

521:  strings can only be compared to simple variables

522:  Varlist allowed on left side

523:  too many parameters in CELLSET

524:  too many CELLELEMENTS in CELLSET

525:  token is no valid formal parameter in CELLSET

526:  this CELLELEMENT not allowed in CELLSET

527:  this is not a defined CELLSET

528:  VALUELABELS ... ADD works only with one single variable

529:  cannot find reference UNICODE to Glyphnames: Glyph_Unicode.txt

530:  CALCULATECOLUMN: calculated column must be right of source column

531:  unicode error: cannot mix single byte and unicode scripts

532:  INSTANTEXCEL, EXCELOUT, HTML and CSVEXPORT only work after defining PS Printer

533:  internal error while evaluating arithmetic expression

534:  error in arithmetic expression

535:  error in arithmetic expression: invalid function

536:  cannot create a copy of for variable of this type

537:  error: created variable is not an atomvar

538:  arithcompute: receiving variable is not an atomvar

539:  arithcompute: cannot create variable with that name

540:  colmap already in use

541:  colmap file not found

542:  colmap entry already exists

543:  aggr error: entry already exists

544:  content of GSTD environment is not a nunmber

545:  could not add io descriptor

546:  variable not found or wrong vartype (ATOMVAR)

547:  no COLUMNS found for variable

548:  invalid roundmode value

549:  xtab local buffer exceeded

550:  error opening sav file as assocfile: possibly filename error

551:  error reading dictionary of sav-file: duplicate varname ?

552:  spss assocfile key variable not found

553:  SAMPLE : too many samplecells

554:  tablename used twice

555:  cannot add tablename

556:  you cannot name explicit variable names with dbase assoc file

557:  you cannot name explicit variable names with spss assoc file (yet)

558:  invalid indexvar operation

559:  invalid significance test method for markcells

560:  invalid significance level for markcells

561:  markcells syntax error

562:  internal error old/new arithmetic syntax

563:  invalid or wrong type for ckonto variable (atom/alpha)

564:  could not find word splits file

565:  POSTPROCESS error

566:  cannot condense empty or invalid label set

567:  empty varlist not allowed in AssertFilterVars-statement

568:  too many @ to expand

569:  invalid GSTD environment variable (studio number)

570:  internal error tVariableMax

571:  SORT AS: no GLOBALSORT or table structures not compatible

572:  error reading languanges matrix

573:  switch language only possible after reading language matrix

574:  undefined language name

575:  languanges matrix file not found or empty

576:  name mismatch start/end variable texts in language matrix

577:  language matrix contains reference to undefined variable

578:  illegal keyword in contentpage statement

579:  LANGUAGES file refers to non-existent variables

580:  argument variables of weightcells statement must be atom or family

581:  invalid argument for USECASES

582:  opening bracket expected here

583:  error in resultvar of externaljob

584:  is not a number

585:  specified label does not exit for auotopen function

586:  too many vars in screen

587:  char8 must have length 1

588:  adding value to dichoq: wrong variable type or variable missing

589:  error in font information

590:  illegal entry in vargroup trigger value list

591:  syntax error in autoopen statement

592:  font error in titlepage statement

593:  syntax error in titlepage statement

594:  error playback/recording statement: syntax error or illegal placement

595:  cannot create xml table export file with that name

596:  key error with openqfile

597:  assert failed: not a dialler script

598:  illegal resultcode specification

599:  recode cannot recode to SYSMISS

600:  too many elements in table (max 255 subtables)

601:  invalid cellelement in FORMATIFLESS/SUPPRESSIFLESS

602:  invalid <place> in FORMATIFLESS/SUPPRESSIFLESS


604:  invalid size criterium in FORMATIFLESS/SUPPRESSIFLESS

605:  unbalanced ifblock ... endblock

606:  YES or NO expected

607:  invalid varlist subcommand

608:  DataErrordocumentation: invalid syntax

609:  Localfont Error

610:  no excelfile defined

611:  illegal option for spssvarlabtotext

612:  varkey error: multiple or illegal key

613:  recode syntax error: there is nothing to recode

614:  codebook except works only with empty varlist

615:  there must not be more than one ranking element in the cellelement set

616:  invalid cell type for DATA statement

617:  invalid parameter for TableCountSwitch

618:  no evaluation method defined for aggregation

619:  unicode error: cannot mix 8-bit adobenames with utf16

620:  encoding UTF16 only allowed with unicode scripting

621:  illegal encoding in this context

622:  cannot make indexfield with given name

623:  illegal syntax request

624:  INTRO only allowed in CATI projects with dialler support

625:  undefined local print spec

626:  cannot find excel template file

627:  no table to select data fields for excelchart from

628:  error in datarange for excelchart

629:  names for sheets in excel must be unique

630:  template file not found

631:  unknown keyword for graphsheet option

632:  illegal value for "EXCELLABELANGLE"

633:  varnumber out of allowed bounds

634:  varnumber must not change inside expression

635:  too many weighting dimensions

636:  missing GRATAB spec in POWERCHART-statement

637:  illegal COLUMNS/ROWS specification in POWERCHART-statement

638:  labeldirection must be X or Y in POWERCHART-statement

639:  illegal addressing ROWS or COLUMNS in POWERCHART-statement

640:  direction for drawing must be RISING or FALLING in POWERCHART-statement

641:  illegal TEMPLATE spec in POWERCHART-statement

642:  cannot find variable for VARTITLE in POWERCHART-statement

643:  cannot find variable for VARTEXT in POWERCHART-statement

644:  duplicate powerchart key

645:  powerchart key exceeds maximum length (32)

646:  incomplete powerchart statement: no valid data elements

647:  key info is mandatory if NoPowerChartReimport is not set to YES

648:  table with that name does not exist

649:  LABELVALUE: variable does not exist

650:  LABELVALUE: variable is not ATOMVAR

651:  unknown powerchart option

652:  illegal measurement unit for CHARTAREA

653:  tabs Artist: illegal direction parameter

654:  illegal code for LINEDASH

655:  Option allowed with INFOBOX only

656:  WITH expected

657:  illegal tablefilter number

658:  error in PIE specification

659:  illegal GESSCHART option

660:  not a valid color value

661:  too many colors

662:  error with openvar

663:  not a valid POWERCHARTFORMAT option

664:  not a valid EXCEL CHART option

665:  not a valid GESSCHARTFORMAT option

666:  ChartFactory-functions illegal in LINUX version

667:  BY value in TotalColumnTable < 1 or > nTables

668:  refers to invalid table

669:  TABLE: ADD and STRUCTURE cannot be combined

670:  no valid afmpath

671:  illegal tabletype in totalcolumns

672:  illegal encoding for openq

673:  internal encoding error

674:  internal error with ttlCritVar

675:  ChangeSpssVarnames error

676:  #expandinc error

677:  syntaxerror in SPSSOutSubFile, = missing

678:  invalid SPSSOutSubFile in store-statement

679:  invalid double declaration of spss subfile

680:  variable for spss subfile undefined

681:  spss returns error when creating subfile

682:  invalid parametername in macro

683:  macro-parameter overdefined

684:  structure contradiction csvinfile/script: vartype

685:  structure contradiction csvinfile/script: variable does not exist in csvfile

686:  structure contradiction csvinfile/script: number of atoms

687:  structure contradiction csvinfile/script: alpha property

688:  too many swaps

689:  BY-variable in STATIC undefined

690:  wrong element class in overview-statement

691:  empty varlist in overview-statement

692:  cannot create (or find in case of overview add) dummy var in overview-statement

693:  cannot attach labels to dummy var in overview-statement

694:  reading csvinfile: variable does not exist

695:  csvinfile cannot be mixed with other input types

696:  charting possible with unsliced tables only

697:  unsupported combination of cellelements

698:  minimum conditions for similarity of SORT AS do not hold

699:  StrictVarlist Error: empty varlist not allowed in this context

700:  CATI dialer project: INTRO-statement missing

701:  integerstack error: pop without corresponding push or too many pushs

702:  an overview add table may not have any of the following options: tabletitle, sort, name, frameset, tableformat, contentkey

703:  overview add cannot reference a valid preceding overview table

704:  #ExpandInToken not allowed, see AllowEpandInToken

705:  Syntaxerror in #ExpandInToken-statement

706:  Syntaxerror in  SORT AS

707:  Syntaxerror in OVERVIEW/XOVERVIEW: FILTER must be closed by |

708:  Syntaxerror in OVERVIEW/XOVERVIEW: USEFONT error

709:  Syntaxerror in PowerChartTextExtra

710:  Error: "PREQUOTA" in p-file of non-dialler-project, but field/variable not found

711:  Error: "PREQUOTA" in p-file of non-dialler-project, but addressbase not yet defined

712:  Error: "PREQUOTA" not allowed in cati-script

713:  Invalid SummaryMethod in ColumnSummary

714:  Source in ColumnSummary must be left of destination

715:  CATI: non-atomic vars not allowed in quota-statements when running as diallertask

716:  QuotaVar not found

717:  Sortclass must be a number

718:  Recode-Value must be a number

719:  Level-Value must be a number 0 .. 255

720:  Cannot open external csv-file with labels

721:  external csv-file with labels has unsupported encoding

722:  illegal code-value in external label file

723:  Cannot open external csv-file with macros (#MACRO3)

724:  restrict, searchrestrict and georestrict are mutually exclusive

725:  variables used in georestrict must have geo information

726:  source variable must be atomic (singleq)

727:  illegal in this infile statement

728:  extension not allowed

729:  illegal font option

730:  not a valid cellelement

731:  invalid officeexportoption

732:  CellRange error

733:  error in sequence of element positions (cellrange) on page

734:  invalid argument for append/prepend

735:  name conflict in automatic variable

736:  unsupported chart form

737:  illegal legendposition in chart

738:  unsupported chart option

739:  invalid cellrange for pie

740:  openasalpha generated name illegal

741:  KeepAbandon error

742:  error initializing invertin file

743:  error initializing invertout file

744:  conflicting sortspecification for table: SORTCODEOVERCODE and AUTOOVERCODE or AUTOOVERSORT and AUTOSORTTREE

745:  keyword invalid for vertical align

746:  keyword invalid for horizontal align

747:  llegal stroke weight

748:  keyword invalid for frame selection

749:  Append/Prepend illegal destination

750:  cannot find source for insertion in chartfactory

751:  chartfactory: illegal argument for template-selection

752:  chartfactory: illegal argument for template-selection, too many columns/rows

753:  chartfactory: illegal argument for template-selection: not a number

754:  MINROWTOTAL: illegal cellelement in this context

755:  DUMMYHEAD syntax error

756:  open variable: variable to inherit data from must exist and be of type open

757:  cannot analyze cell range

758:  illegal sequence of elements on title/chapterpage (cellrange)

759:  invalid dimension for size

760:  invalid chart option in OFFICECHART

761:  picture filepath invalid

762:  cellelement missing or invalid

763:  invalid option for office content

764:  BY clause in DATA not allowed with RECODESMALL

765:  no RECODESMALL parameters defined

766:  RECODESMALL type parameter must be ABSOLUTE or PERCENT

767:  use STATTESTDUMP only once

768:  illegal level for CONFIDENCERANGEPVALUE

769:  illegal syntax for INVERTOUTVARS

770:  factual file encoding of CSVINFILE not supported

771:  EXCLUDEVALUES and RESTRICTVALUES are mutually exclusive

772:  error in EXCLUDEVALUES/RESTRICTVALUES range: upper limit smaller than lower limit

773:  HTMLflowtext available only for LABELS X/Y


775:  syntax error in missingvalue statement: range and no. of values

776:  named over(over)code not found

777:  invalid overmethod

778:  invalid keyword in INVERTOUTVARS-statement

779:  invalid keyword in officeexport-content-statement

780:  error defining excel borders

781:  invalid subcommand in MULTIFROMSTRING

782:  receiving variable in MULTIFROMSTRING must exist and be of type family

783:  no empty char allowed at this point

784:  sourcevariable in MULTIFROMSTRING is undefined

785:  sourcevariable in MULTIFROMSTRING must be atomic

786:  CLONEVAR source must exist and be SINGLEQ, MULTIQ or DICHOQ

787:  CLONEVAR already exists

788:  cannot generate CLONEVAR with this name

789:  ALPHA vars cannot be cloned

790:  wrong argument for SUPPRESSEMPTYTABLE

791:  Printer units must be mm or points

792:  sourcevar of COMPUTE SUBSTR does not exist

793:  all members of an ALPHAFAMILY must be of type ALPHA

794:  existing result variables for alpha-computes must be ALPHA

795:  at least one variable is already member of another ALPHAFAMILY

796:  sourcelist of ALPHAFAMILY must not be empty

797:  ALPHA and non-ALPHA vars must not be mixed in a COMPUTE SWAP or COPY statement

798:  no table found with this name

799:  GESSCHART attached to HIDDEN table, chart cannot be printed

800:  unknown specification for ALPHACASESENSITIVE

801:  error in CHAPTER varlist

802:  invalid hidden specification

803:  TRUNCATEDECIMALS numeric range exceeded (-10..+10)

804:  CHARTTITLE : cannot cite vartext, var does not exist or has no text

805:  CHARTTITLE : textsource mus be XVALID or YVALID

806:  CHARTTITLE : cannot cite vartext, TABLE undefined

807:  TABLE for REPRINT not found

808:  combination of DATA, WEIGHTCELLS and SELECT in one script not supported

809:  OPTION does not apply to chart FORM

810:  invalid OPTION

811:  CELLELEMENT in chart not visible in TABLE

812:  CELLELEMENT not applicable in HTMLCHART

813:  invalid HTMLCHART FORM

814:  invalid HTMLCHART OPTION


816:  only comparisons LT, LE, GT or GE allowed

817:  UpdateInvert allowed only if reading from INVERTIN. cannot find active INVERTIN file

818:  there must be no INVERTOUT in script in order to use INVERTNEWVERSION

819:  underscore (_) not allowed in invert filenames

820:  illegal element of CONCAT in POWERCHART FILL


822:  wrong specification in NEWOFFICESHEET-statement

823:  YES or NO expected

824:  error in MAKESINGLES syntax: either ; or = expected

825:  MAKESINGLES: number of vars does not match

826:  alpha var in sourcelist of MAKESINGLES-statement

827:  non-single var in sourcelist of MAKESINGLES-statement

828:  CONTENTKEY NEXT TABLE and CONTENTKEY referencing same table

829:  OVERCODE: upper value less lower value

830:  too many single codes in overcode range

831:  code range exceeded for windows 32bit (2147483648)

832:  illegal char in INDEXCHARS

833:  CONTENTKEY NEXT TABLE only accepts simple string as argument


835:  OVERVIEW/XOVERVIEW empty header/banner

836:  single code in OVEROVERCODE, CODE not specified

837:  OVEROVERCODE CODE, not a number

838:  CellKey TablesAsJSON must contain CODE or LABELS

839:  CellKey TablesAsJSON must contain VARNAME, VARTITLE or VARKEY

840:  cannot find controlvar

841:  controlvar has no labels

842:  no overcode with matching name found

843:  Synopsis statement needs special licence

844:  LEFT, RIGHT or ABSOLUTE allowed

845:  TOP, BOTTOM or ABSOLUTE allowed

846:  no valid officechart type defined

847:  CODEBOOK with NAME: only one variable allowed

848:  same ALIAS leads to different kanonic text

849:  SYNTAX error in ALIAS statement  missing : or =

850:  illegal delimiter in CSVEXPORT

851:  INCLUDE OfficeChapterpage is no longer supported

852:  POSITION not allowed in ADD with OVEROVERCODE

853:  only one LABEL allowed in LABELS ... ADD POSITION

854:  POSITION must be an INTEGER > 0